In order to provide better service to dear customers, our website makes some changes in ordering process.Welcome to offer your valuable suggestions and we will reward you 15 USD as your suggestions are accepted. The ordering process is as follows:
A.Choose game(Pic1)
B.Select region and server (pic2,3)
C. Slect your currency and amount you need, cick “ add” to upload hopping cart(pic4,5)
A. Express checkout for paypal.
a. click “check out with paypal”(same as Express checkout)(pic7)
b. Put your paypal account and password(pic8),confirm your order(pic9)
c. fill your phone number , character name and short meesage (if you need ) in our site, click “complete” to complete your order.
B. Credit card.
a. Click “ other payment”;
b. fill the required information , select “Credit Card Through PayPal” as your Payment Method and click “ continue” to confirm your order(pic12)
c. click “ complete” to paypal page and click the button “continue checkout”(pic13)
d. Fill your credit card information to complete your order.(pic14)
C. Moneybookers. Click “ other payment” and choose “ Moneybookers” to, fill the information to complete your order.
D.Westerunion. please contact our Live Help for Westernunion payment information.
US: 1-770-872-7772